Micro Air

SD90MAC locomotives come equipped with electronically controlled air brake systems. The 26L system existing on most of today's locomotives is an entirely pneumatic system while Micro Air is a pneumatic system controlled by a set of solenoid valves and a microprocessor. The idea behind Micro Air is to give the operator greater control over the system while eliminating much of the piping in the control stand. The reduction in piping dramatically reduces cab noise and maintenance requirements (leaks) normally found on a purely pneumatic system. Micro Air also facilitates the implementation of distributed locomotive consist operation.
   Click to enlarge
UP demonstrator cab controls - Greg Sherwood.
Operation of Micro Air remains the same as 26L and 30CDW systems, independent applications are made using the black handle and train brake application (brake pipe reductions) are made with the red handle. Note that air will not be heard rushing through the control stand as with 26L and 30CDW systems. The time lag between handle movements and application/release of the brakes will be different than a 26L and 30CDW system. Also, the amount of brake pipe reduction and independent application/release from handle movements with the Micro Air system will be different from 26L and 30CDW systems. In other words, moving the independent handle halfway through its travel might result in a 35 lb. application with a 26L or 30CDW system, but the same handle movement on Micro Air might result in a 50 lb. application.
The handles are located on the right hand side of the control stand. Notice that brake applications will now be made with the right hand while they were made with the left on a standard control stand.

© 2005 William C. Slim       http://www.okthepk.ca

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