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 Cordova Station

23 September 2009

Why Doesn't CN and CP Rid Society of Ties?

Kamloops British Columbia - Editor:
Regarding the proposed co-generation facility on Mission Flats Road, where the Aboriginial Cogeneration Corporation would burn creosote-laden railway ties and general electricity:
I'm wondering why we (the public) are even being asked to put up with this gasification proposal.
Is it not the railway companies who are responsible for the creosote-laden ties they use?
And now they expect the public to deal with them?
I say Canadian National and Canadian Pacific should deal with the poison they have developed and used for years and stop looking to the public to pass the buck.
But CN and CP will do what all corporations do.
They will say it will cost jobs and the government will bail them out again.
So, the public will once again be forced to deal with the mess multi-million-dollar corporations create.
Gary Scullion - Kamloops.
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