27 October 2010
Heritage Equipment Request for Expression of Interest (EOI)

Calgary Alberta - For 125 years, Canadian Pacific has been proudly contributing to Canada's
heritage while moving its people and economy. On 7 Nov 2010, Canadian Pacific will celebrate the 125th anniversary of the driving of the Last Spike. This
iconic event marked the completion of Canada's first transcontinental railroad and a new chapter in Canadian history.
We celebrate this important milestone by providing an opportunity for credible organizations to share in our history through an offering of surplus Canadian
Pacific heritage equipment. The heritage equipment includes sleeper cars and tool cars. CP has approached approximately two dozen railway museums and rail
heritage facilities in North America in order to gauge a level of interest. CP is also formally publicizing this Expression of Interest (EOI) to trade and
industry stakeholders.
The condition and terms of the heritage equipment offer are "as is where is." Organizations that are identified to receive this donation are
responsible for costs to transport equipment to final destination (within a reasonable time period), as well as any restoration or repair costs. CP does not
promise, nor will be held liable for, provision of equipment requested.
Organizations or interested parties are asked to indicate their interest and to identify specific heritage equipment from the appended list by 31 Oct 2010.
Photos of this equipment can be viewed on CP's asset disposal site.
Please email your reply with an identification of the piece(s) of equipment of serious interest to community_investment@cpr.ca.
CP will contact you requesting further information through a short application process. Applications will then be reviewed by the Canadian Pacific Heritage
Equipment Committee, who will make their selection and notify successful recipients by 18 Nov 2010.
CP 540033
Double deck auto-rack
Moose Jaw, SK Area
Outlook Sub
This car is one of the original bi-level auto-racks purchased to replace the older 55 foot automobile box car used for transporting automobiles from eastern
Canadian auto plants in Quebec and Ontario to the western Provinces and the United States. Series 540000-540149 (150 cars). All other cars in this series now
scrapped. An 89 foot open deck two level auto carrier for carrying trucks and passenger automobiles.
CP 404097
Ex-CP 295524 auto boxcar
Ogden Shops, Calgary, AB
Formerly Canadian Pacific 295524
40 foot box car with 15 foot wide double staggered sliding doors. Equipped with full width double swing doors at "A" end of car. Used for handling
four automobiles from manufacturer in Eastern Canada to sales-distributor in Western Canada before introduction o the auto-rack double and triple deck carried
introduced in the 1960's.
CP 404924
Tool and Material car built in 1948 as 80 foot Baggage and Express car 4230.
Converted to Tool car in 1967 for Sutherland, SK Auxiliary.
Formerly Canadian Pacific baggage and express CP 4230 until 1967
Ogden Shops, Calgary, AB
Body is in fair condition, and doors are in good condition.
CP 404929
Tool and Material car built in 11-1948 as Baggage and Express car 4227 converted to tool car in 1969.
Winnipeg, MB
Formerly Canadian Pacific baggage and express car 4227
Converted to m/w tool car 404929 in 1969
Had been assigned to Quebec Division B&B
CP 411249
Stores sleeping car built in 1928 by Pullman Company as an 8 section, 2 compartment and one drawing room sleeping car for use between Chicago-Vancouver on the
SOO-DOMINION and MOUNTAINEER sleeping car trains.
Medicine Hat, AB
Named TRAPPER it is one of five Pullman sleeping cars acquired by CPR from Pullman in 1948. It was converted to boarding car service in 1960 and interior was
completely removed and car is basically an empty shell.
1 of 2
CP 411714
Boarding car sleeper built 1952 as 80 foot Baggage and Express car 4730. Converted to boarding sleeper car with multiple windows in 1969 and assigned to
Sudbury Auxiliary.
Ogden Shops, Calgary, AB
Condition: poor.
CP 411734
Boarding sleeper/diner car built 1953 as an 80 foot Baggage and Express car 4754. Converted to boarding car with multiple windows in 1971 and assigned to
Thunder Bay Auxiliary. Condition poor.
Ogden Shops, Calgary, AB
Condition: poor.
CP 411742
Cook/diner/sleeper car built in 6-1952 as Baggage and Express car 4728. Converted to boarding car service with multiple windows in 1972.
Ogden Shops, Calgary, AB
Car body only. No wheels.
CP 411752
Boarding sleeping car last used on Winnipeg Auxiliary. Built in 1929 for "TRANS-CANADA LIMITED" as solarium Lounge car RIVER FORTH. Also used in
"MOUNTAINEER" service St Paul-Vancouver. Converted to solarium lounge sleeping car CAPE KNOX in 1943. Business car 21 in 1962. Converted to Boarding
car in 1974.
Ogden Shops, Calgary, AB
Car body only. No wheels. No hand rails.
Condition: Car body is in good condition. Interior is partially intact.
CP 404934
Former Canadian Pacific Baggage and Mail Car 3605. Converted to Express car 381. Converted to m/w tool car 404935. Had been assigned to IFS ballast gang as a
parts car.
Ogden Shops, Calgary, AB
Date Built: 1938
Condition: Poor.
