Wauwatosa Wisconsin USA - History comes rolling through Wisconsin.
An old steam train is making its way across North America, and enthusiasts got to see it pass by Wauwatosa on Monday,
6 May 2024.
To say two-year-old Caden loves trains is an understatement.
It's a sight his mother, Ashley Toth, could not let him miss.
"He's going to be so excited to see it. I saw something about the train coming, so I searched it down and here we
are," she said.
As the 1930 steam train made its way through the area, as part of the CPKC's Final Spike Anniversary Steam
It's a tour enthusiast like Mike Kowall said doesn't always happen.
"I think it's the first time here in 18 years," Kowall said.
The trip started in Calgary and is making its way to Mexico City.
According to the website, it's all part of the one-year anniversary of its merger between Canadian Pacific and Kansas
City Southern.
"It's the first road that covers all three countries in North America," Kowall said.
The next stop for the steam engine will be in Franklin Park, Illinois.
Abril Preciado.
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(usually because it's been seen before)
provisions in Section 29 of the Canadian
Copyright Modernization Act.