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 Signal Aspects and Indications.

Clear Signal - Proceed.

Clear to Limited - Proceed, approaching next signal at LIMITED speed.

Clear to Medium - Proceed, approaching next signal at MEDIUM speed.

Clear to Diverging - Proceed, approaching next signal at DIVERGING speed.

Clear to Slow - Proceed, approaching next signal at SLOW speed.

Clear to Restricting - Proceed, next signal displays restricting signal.

Clear to Stop - Proceed, preparing to stop at next signal.

Advance Clear to Limited - Proceed, approaching second signal at LIMITED Speed.

Advance Clear to Medium - Proceed, approaching second signal at MEDIUM speed.

Advance Clear to Slow - Proceed, approaching second signal at SLOW speed.

Advance Clear to Stop - Proceed, next signal is displaying Clear to Stop, be prepared to stop at second signal.

Limited to Clear - Proceed, LIMITED speed passing signal and through turnouts.

Limited to Limited - Proceed, LIMITED speed passing signal and through turnouts, approaching next signal at LIMITED speed.

Limited to Medium - Proceed, LIMITED speed passing signal and through turnouts, approaching next signal at MEDIUM speed.

Limited to Slow - Proceed, LIMITED speed passing signal and through turnouts, approaching next signal at SLOW speed.

Limited to Slow - Proceed, LIMITED speed passing signal and through turnouts, approaching next signal at SLOW speed.

Limited to Stop - Proceed, LIMITED speed passing signal and through turnouts, preparing to stop at next signal.

Medium to Clear - Proceed, MEDIUM speed passing signal and through turnouts.

Medium to Limited - Proceed, MEDIUM speed passing signal and through turnouts, approaching next signal at LIMITED speed.

Medium to Medium - Proceed, MEDIUM speed passing signal and through turnouts, approaching next signal at MEDIUM speed.

Medium to Slow - Proceed, MEDIUM speed passing signal and through turnouts, approaching next signal at SLOW speed.

Medium to Restricting - Proceed, MEDIUM speed passing signal and through turnouts, next signal displays restricting Signal.

Medium to Stop - Proceed, MEDIUM speed passing signal and through turnouts, preparing to stop at next signal.

Diverging to Clear - Proceed, DIVERGING speed passing signal and through turnouts.

Diverging to Stop - Proceed, DIVERGING speed passing signal and through turnouts preparing to stop at next signal.

Diverging - Proceed at REDUCED speed, not exceeding DIVERGING speed passing signal and through turnouts.

Slow to Clear - Proceed, SLOW speed passing signal and through turnouts.

Slow to Limited - Proceed, SLOW speed passing signal and through turnouts, approaching next signal at LIMITED speed.

Slow to Medium - Proceed, SLOW speed passing signal and through turnouts, approaching next signal at MEDIUM speed.

Slow to Slow - Proceed, SLOW speed passing signal and through turnouts, approaching next signal at SLOW speed.

Slow to Stop - Proceed, SLOW speed passing signal and through turnouts, preparing to stop at next signal.

Restricting Signal - Proceed at RESTRICTED speed.

Stop and Proceed Signal - Stop, then proceed at RESTRICTED speed.

TAKE OR LEAVE SIDING OR OTHER TRACK SIGNAL - Indications will be specified in special instructions for each specific application of this signal.

Stop Signal - Stop.
DIVERGING Speed:  A speed not exceeding twenty five (25) miles per hour.
LIMITED Speed:  A speed not exceeding forty five (45) miles per hour.
MEDIUM Speed:  A speed not exceeding thirty (30) miles per hour.
REDUCED Speed:  A speed that will permit stopping within one-half the range of vision of equipment.
RESTRICTED Speed:  A speed that will permit stopping within one-half the range of vision of equipment, also prepared to stop short of a switch not properly lined and in no case exceeding SLOW speed. When moving at RESTRICTED speed, be on the lookout for broken rails. When a broken rail is detected, the movement must be stopped immediately and must not resume until permission is received from the RTC or signalman.
SLOW Speed:  A speed not exceeding fifteen (15) miles per hour.