Virginia City Nevada - The V&T wine train on Saturday that was part of Railway Reflections International Art Expo was packed with both riders and wine.
Shara Bouvier, manager of the Ramada Inn Virginia City, said 10 cases of wine were consumed by about 125 people, which included 100 paid customers and the Virginia City Living Legends and 601 Vigilance Committee.
Wild Will Strickland provided the music for the train, singing every train song he knew, and making up a few as well.
Richard Rambo, a friend of Railway Reflections organizer Jim Clark, stayed away from the wine, but went hog-wild over the brownies that were served.
"I gave up drinking a long time ago," he said.
Just as the wine train was pulling out of the station, the conductor, Don Schalla announced that the bank in Virginia City was robbed and the robbers were on the train.
Throughout the trip, he warned passengers to be careful about whom they got friendly with.

Rambo said he knew who the robbers were, "they're the city cowboys without badges."
Schalla said he enjoyed being the conductor, which he has been for 20 years, and said the characters that participate in skits and shows on board added a lot to the passengers' enjoyment.
Sharon and Norman Highly of Sacramento, who were visiting Gary and Cathy White of Dayton, all said they were having a great time.
"I've never been on the train, and I've lived around here for nine years," said Gary White.
"This was the best time. We have friends from California every other week to visit, and I'm going to bring them up here."
Norman Highly pointed at Stink E., a local actor on board in his trademark red long johns, and said he was eyeing "our women, so we had to roll him around in the dirt. It was an improvement."
Dagmire and Morgan Webber of Dayton were on the first run the steam train took in July.
"We came from Escondido five years ago, and we're having a wonderful time," Dagmire said.
She is a member of the Historical Society of Dayton Valley and said many people have joined, people with lots of talent to help turn the old C&C Depot in Old Town into a first-rate visitors center.
Patty and Don Rose of Carson City used to rent the train for special events and bring back steak dinners for the conductors.
"We've been here 40 years," Don said.
At the Gold Hill Depot the "robbers" tried to get off the train, but were stopped by a sheriff and a marshal, Joy Salmon and Doug Tarrant respectively.
The bad guys tried to pretend they had only underwear in the satchel they carried, but didn't fool the law officers.
Pretty soon, after a wild and crazy exchange, the robbers were "dead" and the money saved.
Then the "dead" guys and the lawmen got back on the train.
The train went farther on the newly laid track for the extension to Carson City, which is supposed to be finished by 2011, than any other, past the Overman Pit and into American Flat, near the old American City cemetery.
Wild Will was making up songs as he went, with Rambo making up the next line.
"Why don't we do it on the track" Will sang.
"You can lay flat on your back" replied Rambo.
Strickland made up songs about Gold Hill, American Flat, and anything else he could think of.
Riders had tambourines and played along to his music, which also included a number of Johnny Cash hits.
Coming back to Virginia City, the steam coming through the tunnel made it seem like a sauna, while engineer Jeremy Harding loved the night trip.
"I love doing night trains, because tonight, when you get that full moon rising ahead of you, it's just beautiful.
Karen Woodmansee.
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