Eastgate Siding Nevada - Considering that the V&T Railway is going to start running trains all the way from Virginia City to Carson City (or vice versa, as the case may be) in just three short weeks, and combined with the fact that Phase 3 of the railroad will be having its ground breaking on Monday, just two days from now, I decided it was time for me and my camera to return to Mound House and check out the progress on the railroad so far.
The last time I went out to inspect the railroad's right-of-way, the rail bed had been graded all the way through Mound House but no tracks had been laid.
But now it's five months later, and they're essentially done with the track all the way to the end of Phase 2.
Now they're putting the finishing touches on the Mound House depot site, and the depot even has a name!
Scott Schrantz.
(because there was no image with original article)
*2. Original news article image replaced.
(because it was a poor photo)
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