Virginia City Nevada - A 1951 diesel engine made its way to Virginia City on Tuesday to give some more heft to the Virginia & Truckee Railroad's 2010 season.
The V&T will run four trains to Carson City each weekend, from Thursday through Sunday, and if all goes well, V&T owner Tom Gray said, the new diesel engine will handle the Thursday and Friday runs.
The engine, number 101, was built by the American Locomotive Company.

It ran in Montana for the Montana Power Company at Billings, hauling coal from 1968 to very recently, according to Gray.
From 1951-1966 the engine served the Minnesota Transfer Company.
Gray said the new engine was of lighter weight than several engines available in Arizona, that the members of the Nevada Commission for the Reconstruction of the V&T Railway declined to accept.
"It has a shorter wheel base, lighter weight, and better visibility," Gray said.
The engine will be painted V&T colors of yellow, green, and black, and Gray hopes to have it ready for this season.
Karen Woodmansee.
(because there was no image with original article)
*2. Original news article image replaced.
(because it was a poor photo)
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