Carson City Nevada - Sunday, 9 May 2010, was the big unveiling of the McKeen Motor Car at the Nevada State Railroad Museum.
The car has been in the restoration shop for 14 years and now is all done and ready to take the public on rides.
But more than that, May 9th was also the 100th anniversary of when the car first arrived in Carson City.
100 years ago the Virginia & Truckee bought this car as a cheap replacement to running their steam trains every day.
It lasted 35 years, but eventually was retired in 1945.
It spent several years as a diner in Carson City, then was used as part of a plumbing store in south Carson.
In 1996 it was uprooted and dragged here to the museum, and ever since then they've been rebuilding it.
Now it's finally done, and seriously, looks as good as the day it was built.
I stopped by the railroad museum for a bit on Sunday, long enough to see the car run around the tracks a couple of times.
But then they stopped operations for an hour so they could give speeches and have a ceremony and break champagne over the bow.
I checked and the tickets were all sold out until later in the afternoon, so I didn't get a chance to ride.
Scott Schrantz.
(because there was no image with original article)
*2. Original news article image replaced.
(because it was a poor photo)
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