Port of Tillamook Bay Railroad Washouts Washouts in Salmonberry Canyon were not uncommon but in December 2007 flood waters destroyed large sections of the right-of-way in the canyon. With repair costs far too high Port of Tillamook discontinued use of that portion of the line through the canyon thereby creating a "land-locked" railroad.
The Foss Road bridge - Date/Photographer unknown.
The Foss Road bridge - Date/Photographer unknown.
The Foss Road bridge - 3 Feb 2009 Photographer unknown.
The Foss Road bridge - 4 Feb 2009 Photographer unknown.
Wolf Creek washout - Date unknown Jon N. Powell.
Belding Creek bridge - Date unknown Steve Hart.
Belding Creek bridge - Date unknown Steve Hart.
Tunnel 30 and two bridges - Date unknown Steve Hart.
The Kinney Creek Bridge was washed out in a 1996 flood. A brand new trestle was built, only to wash away again in the 2007 flood. The entire bridge has shifted and even the standing portions have lost supports - Date unknown Steve Hart.
The Kinney Creek Bridge was washed out in a 1996 flood. A brand new trestle was built, only to wash away again in the 2007 flood. The entire bridge has shifted and even the standing portions have lost supports - Date unknown Steve Hart.
Kinney Creek bridge - Date/Photographer unknown.
