For the first time in several years Dampfbahn Furka-Bergstrecke AG closes its annual accounts with a loss.
This amounts to around 86,000 francs for the past year.
On the revenue side, there was a gross increase of around 350,000 francs compared to 2021 at around 3.6 million francs.
This was mainly due to income from the ferry operation.
The main reasons for this were the increased number of passengers, the introduction of the new premium class, as well as the abolition of the return trip discount, indirectly a price adjustment.
Income from gastronomy and souvenir sales was also increased.
Donation income, on the other hand, declined.
Last year, too, no subsidies could be claimed.
On the other hand, the costs associated with transport were 700,000 francs higher than in the previous year.
This was a consequence of general inflation and unbudgeted work.
Inflation and completed additional work arrived at amounts in the multiple six-figure range.
The latter also led to increased personnel costs for accommodation and food.
As a precaution, hidden reserves were formed early on for the postponed work.
These could now be used in part to mitigate the deficit.
Together with a cleared profit carried forward, this resulted in a balance sheet loss of around 40,000 francs at the end.
It has become clear that it takes very little for the entire financial framework of the steam railway to be thrown out of balance, says Chairman of the Board of Directors Ernst Künzli.
There is therefore absolutely no room for non-butget-compliant activities.
For the coming operating season, strict cost management has therefore been imposed on those responsible for operations.
24,435 Passengers Transported
Last year, 457 trains were on the mountain route, significantly more than in 2020 and 2021.
Of these, 313 trains crossed the pass.
The steam train carried 24,435 passengers, also more than in 2020 and 2021, but fewer than in the years before the pandemic.
For the third time in a row, the average revenue per passenger increased from 60 francs in 2021 to 66 francs in 2022.
This bill includes not only the full-paying passengers, but also those who travel free of charge, or with a discount.
Author unknown.