The NWE 13 (HSB 99 5903) in the city of Goslar during the "HSB on Tour" event - 19 Jul 2008 Andreas Froböse.
3 June 2013 Historic HSB Steam Locomotive to be Guest in Sonderhausen Sonderhausen Germany - The Harzer Schmalspurbahnen (HSB) historical steam locomotive "NWE 13" will be a guest at the 14th annual Thüringen Day in Sondershausen on 9 Jun 2013. The steam locomotive "NWE 13", of the Mallet design, was built in 1898 by the Jung Company in Jungenthal for the Nordhausen-Wernigeroder Railway Company (NWE) and is today one of the oldest locomotives on the HSB. After the end of it's active career in northern Germany it took over a new important function as a very special ambassador for the Harz tourist region. A popular attraction for young and old alike this striking HSB locomotive appeared in it's historic green livery in past years at the diverse Germany-wide promotion "HSB on Tour". Author unknown. Loosely translated from German by Google but with additional assumptions and corrections by this editor.

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