Surrey Mayor Dianne Watts breaks the ribbons with BCER 1225 at Cloverdale - 22 Jun 2013 Ray Hudson.
24 June 2013
All Aboard on a Ride to the Past
Cloverdale British Columbia - The Fraser Valley Heritage Railway Society (FVHRS) pulled out all the stops this past
After an official opening on Saturday at the replica Cloverdale Station, restored interurban 1225 began its first full day of operations since the BC Electric
Railway (BCER) shut down in the 1950s.
It's a day the Fraser Valley Heritage Railway Society, volunteers, their supporters, and sponsors have waited for for close to a decade.
Fifty-seven passengers boarded the interurban for the first of six round-trips from Cloverdale to Sullivan Stations, where the car was restored.
Passenger runs of BCER 1225 will operate on Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays up to Thanksgiving.
There is wheelchair access, with the help of an electric lift.
The FVHRS has more than 300 active volunteers.
Boaz Joseph.

Vancouver Island British Columbia Canada