An engineer oils the running gear on locomotive number 70 - Date/Photographer unknown.
26 September 2013 Mt. Rainier Scenic Railroad to Host Wine Express Train Elbe Washington USA - The Mt. Rainier Scenic Railroad Wine Express Train is set to take place on Saturday, 12 Oct 2013. The historic steam train will be host to a 21 or older crowd during this special event. Live music, souvenir wine glass, catered meal, and wine tasting are included in the ticket price. The train departs from the Elbe depot and travels to Mineral. Tickets can be purchased at the Mt. Rainier Scenic Railroad web site. "Washington State has a world class collection of vintners that produce incredible wine. We are so proud to have a chance to share Washington wines with our passengers and we hope to expand this event next year", says Meilee Anderson, Director of Sales and Marketing for the Mt. Rainier Scenic Railroad. This special event is taking place on Saturday, 12 Oct 2013, for passengers on the 3:30 p.m. train as they ride through the pristine foothills of Mount Rainier on a vintage locomotive. Guests will enjoy a catered meal, live music, wine tasting, and have time to tour the world's largest collection of steam logging locomotives before returning to Elbe.

Vancouver Island British Columbia Canada