Money from Business Firms
London, Dec. 10 - Reuter's Hamburg correspondent says that the British Military Government alleged today that the German Communist Party was using Nazi methods to extort money from business firms. Official investigations following complaints of extortion has established that a cheque for the equivalent of £162 dated September 3, 1948, was handed to Herr Otto Fink, a Communist Party Official by the directors of the Hanseatische Kieswerke. The cheque was disguised by a false entry as "payment for sleepers", allegedly at Fink's suggestion, and it claimed that this procedure had been adopted in his dealings with other firms. The British statement said the Military Government believed this was not an isolated case. A revival of Nazi methods for obtaining funds for political purposes would not be tolerated. Hanseatische Kieswerke was awarded the Golden Flag by Hitler, personally, in 1939 and declared to be a Nazi model firm.