The top drawing shows the first hydro electric plant constructed at Snoqualmie Falls. An elevator shaft and penstock drop down vertically to a chamber hollowed out of bedrock which contains the water driven Pelton wheels and electric power generators. After turning the Pelton wheels water is exhausted through the tailrace back into the river at the base of the falls - Date unknown Artist unknown - Snoqualmie Valley Historical Museum.
The lower drawing depicts the chamber containing the electricity producing machines. Water behind the dam enters the vertical penstock dropping down to this chamber next to the elevator where the flow is redirected 90 degrees into a manifold above the Pelton wheels and generators. A governor regulates a nozzle which controls the flow of water to each Pelton wheel thereby maintaining its speed, the speed of the generator attached to that Pelton wheel, and therefore the frequency of the alternating current produced by the generator - Date unknown Artist unknown.