20 November 2010
Video Pair Chuffed to Bits With Steam Film
The DVD cover jacket.

The Forest's historical railways have been brought to life in a puff of steam by a Ruspidge-based video production company.
"Lost Railways of the Forest of Dean" follows the Severn & Wye line from Lydbrook through to the Severn Bridge using archive film, photographs, and modern day footage of the remnants left behind.
The 75 minute documentary was put together by Alan Terrell and Aaron Jones, who run the Forest production company Bearleft TV.
With around 10 years' collective experience they set up the company in 2009, where Aaron lives in Ruspidge.
"People would commission us to do productions for them, but we've expanded into doing local documentaries because we felt there was a gap in the market," said Alan, 29.
"It's nice going out there and talking to people, finding things out, and exploring. There'll always be a place for local stuff that bigger companies are not interested in."
Bearleft's work is currently making the rounds on video music channels after they made a production for Northampton-based rock band "Sacred Mother Tongue".
The company is now in post-production on their next DVD which is a follow up to the Severn & Wye line.
The new film will focus in on the roles of the GWR railway in the Forest.
"It would be nice to hear from people who have footage they would like to share," said Alan.
"We've got open minds over what our future documentaries will be about."
The DVD is on sale at the Dean Forest Railway at Norchard and from the Bearleft TV website, where more information can be found.
Author unknown.

*1. Appropriate news article image inserted.
*2. Original news article image replaced.
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