Today's District of Sooke Tweet
19 February 2023
This poster published to Twitter today states "Sooke Fire Rescue's status as a full-service department saves each homeowner between $1,000 and $5,000+ annually on insurance."
So, if I save just the minium $1,000, as you say, then my last home insurance bill should have been zero !
Where did your Special Numerical Operation numbers come from... the Kremlin?
William Slim.
*1. Suitable news image inserted.
(likely no image with original article)
(likely no image with original article)
*2. Original news image replaced.
(usually because it's been seen before)
(usually because it's been seen before)
News quoted by OKthePK under the
provisions in Section 29 of the
Canadian Copyright Modernization Act.
provisions in Section 29 of the
Canadian Copyright Modernization Act.