Any school classroom.
Any school classroom - Date? Photographer?
Sooke News Mirror
Why Sooke School District's Budget Jumped by $17.5 Million
30 May 2023

The Sooke School District will hire 57 more teachers in the next academic year as it continues to experience unprecedented growth.
Education board trustees approved a $206 million budget, including an increase of $17.5 million over last year's budget, an increase of 9.3 percent.
The education ministry has provided more funding due to increased enrolment, inclusive education services, classroom enhancements, specialized areas and a boost in the special purpose fund.
Addressing the challenge of accommodating the increasing student enrolment remains a pressing concern in the district, one of the fastest-growing in the province.
This concern is evident in the decision to hire 34.6 Full-Time-Equivalent (FTE) classroom teachers, two more early-childhood educators, increased support for the Indigenous Education Department, and 1.23 FTE school counsellors.
Enrolment in the district is expected to grow by 502 Full-Time Enrolled Students next fall, bringing the total projected number of FTES students to 13,364.
Other funding prioritized by trustees include:

  • Additional English Language Learners' clerical support;
  • Increases to school clerical and supervision staff;
  • Two additional custodians;
  • Increased digital literacy and support resources;
  • Support for student wellness initiatives;
  • Increases to meal and snack programs.

"While growth remains a challenge in terms of student space, the added enrolment funding allows the district to continue enhancing supports for students and staff," said Harold Cull, the school district's secretary treasurer.
B.C.'s 60 school boards must file balanced budgets each year by June 30th.
Kevin Laird.

*1. Suitable news image inserted.
(likely no image with original article)
*2. Original news image replaced.
(because it's been seen before)
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