Looking north from Burr Road along the trail leading to Ridgecrest Road subdivision - 20 May 2023.

Looking north at Forest Edge Road off Ridgecrest Road subdivision - 20 May 2023.

A satellite image of Broom Hill and the Mountain Heights area land development - 20 May 2023.

Photo 1 - Looking southeast downhill at the Strait of Juan de Fuca from Mountain Heights Drive at the new land development - 20 May 2023.

Photo 2 - The view looking northeast below the previous photo from Mountain Heights Drive at development along newly created Hudson Road - 20 May 2023.

Photo 3 - The Mountain Heights subdivision is expanding northwest over the mountain towards Broom Hill on the left - 20 May 2023.

Looking west from John Phillips Park towards Parkview construction on the east side of Otter Point Road - 24 May 2023.