Work area map.
Work area map - Date? Cartographer? *2.
Sooke News Mirror
Work to Cause Minor Delays on Church Road in Sooke
29 May 2023

Delays on Church and Charters roads in the next couple of weeks due to construction should be minimal, according to a District of Sooke traffic advisory.
The district says boring (drilling) before a roundabout construction project will result in minor delays until 8 Jun 2023 on Church Road between Wadams Way and Throup Road.
Delays should be minimal and intermittent because not all of the work will impede traffic.
Waits of about five minutes are anticipated when work occurs on the roadways, with the potential for slightly longer waits expected in higher traffic volume areas around schools.
Traffic control will be on-site, and access for residents in and out of their properties and emergency vehicle access will be maintained.
Once the boring is completed on Church Road, crews will begin boring on Charters Road on 9, 12, and 13 Jun 2023, with less of an impact on traffic expected.
The work is part of the transportation corridor included in Sooke's master transportation plan.
The district plans to issue a tender for the $6.95 million roundabout in the coming weeks.
Funding is provided through $3.75 million in reserve funds from the federal Canada Community Building Fund and the provincial Growing BC Fund.
The district is providing $2.2 million in road development cost charges, and another $1 million from other funding sources.
The project, identified as a priority in the 2023 budget, is expected to be completed in 2024.
Rick Stiebel.

*1. Suitable news image inserted.
(likely no image with original article)
*2. Original map modified.
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