Bear in the Park
29 June 2023
Visitors to John Philips Park may have noticed the two small signs located on the West and East trails into the park advising to be "Bear Aware".
Or maybe not.
There are so many bear alert signs people become complacent about them.
But not this time, as a Black bear decided to take a snooze halfway up one of the pine trees, or tried to, execpt for those pesky people who stopped by to photograph and have a look.
Yes, I too, but in my defence I was back far enough so as to not disturb the bear, as you can see from these two poor photographs, including that enlarged second photo.
William Slim.
*1. Suitable news image inserted.
(likely no image with original article)
(likely no image with original article)
*2. Original news image replaced.
(because it's been seen before)
(because it's been seen before)
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provisions in Section 29 of the
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provisions in Section 29 of the
Canadian Copyright Modernization Act.