The District of Sooke is spending $50,000 to improve or install five crosswalks, with most of the funds coming from an ICBC grant.
For the improvements to the crosswalks, $30,000 is coming from ICBC with $20,000 coming from the District of Sooke Climate Action funding.
Phillips Road by the SEAPARC front entrance and Grant Road by French Road are getting new crosswalks with flashing lights.
The back entrance of SEAPARC on Phillips Road, Church Road on the Stickleback Urban Trail, and Poirier Active School Travel Route, and Otter Point at Rhodenite will have flashing lights added to the existing crosswalks.
This project is part of the district's goal to reduce emissions and increase pedestrian safety.
"If we are going to make an impact toward our goal of reducing emissions by 50 percent by 2030, we need to ensure people feel safe walking around town. While there is much more work to do, this is welcome progress. I extend my appreciation to our funding partners for helping with efforts for a safer, healthier Sooke," Maja Tait, mayor of Sooke, said in a news release.
A news release says in recent budget consultations, residents identified safely being able to get around the community as a top priority.
Laura Brougham.
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