One of the special ingredients baked into the recipe for the Sooke Fall Fair's success is its enduring ability to change with the times.
When people in and around Sooke first celebrated the Sooke Fall Fair 110-years-ago, in 1913, there were no machine made quilts, gluten-free cake exhibits, Lego displays, or digital photography exhibits.
"Yes, the fair has evolved over the past 10 decades (with many new features), but it continues to embrace all those traditional contests like the best plate of potatoes, the most outstanding apple pie, or that prize-winning handmade quilt, and of course, a child's wonderfully decorated pine cone to hang on a Christmas tree as was done over a hundred years ago," said Sooke Fall Fair Association vice-president Ida McDonald.
The fair, one of 35 within the BC Association of Agricultural Fairs and Exhibitions, continues to follow its mandate to promote agriculture through educational displays, and most sections will reflect this year's theme, The Wild West Coast.
"Displays could include an arrangement using native plants in the flower section, or perhaps a cake topped with outlines of wild salmon swimming in a sea of blue icing. The possibilities are endless, which makes the Sooke Fall Fair so interesting and unique. Visitors can learn about what plants attract bees and understand their importance as shown in the honey section, for example, and the perfectly layered compost class teaches people about the importance of soil composition," McDonald suggested.
There are literally hundreds of categories for entry in the fair, with 50 trophies and 300 additional prizes up for grabs.
If you missed the early bird deadline, for $1 you can still drop off entries at Sooke Community Hall on Thursday, 7 Sep 2023, and Friday, 8 Sep 2023 between 14:00 and 20:00 for $2 per item for adults and $1 for children.
"We are pleased to have the BC Fruit Testers Association here this year as well. They will have a table set up from 13:30 to 15:30 on Saturday where people can find out what kind of apple they have, and learn tips on growing fruit," she said.
Family fun events like the Sookeini Race, is another popular draw, with trials starting at 14:00, Saturday.
"See the zucchinis on wheels rip down the 30 foot ramp. And be sure to take in the pet parade to find out who takes home the prize for longest tail or ears this year," McDonald said.
The event, sponsored by Bosley's and Collar and Comb, gets underway at noon on Sunday.
The best-decorated scarecrows are always eye-catchers and will once again be judged by Mayor Maja Tait.
Entries should be dropped off at Sooke Community Hall Thursday or Friday from 14:00 to 20:00.
Admission remains by donation, which makes the fair one of the few events of that sort without a set admission price.
McDonald thanked the residents of Sooke, and the many businesses in Sooke, and the surrounding area for their generosity in helping make the fair a success year after year.
Volunteering is another great way to get involved in the fair to help ensure its long-term success, said MacDonald, who's served as a volunteer with the fair for 20 years.
"We desperately need folks willing to take on various volunteer duties to keep the fair rolling because some of our volunteers are retiring after decades of dedication."
Those interested in helping out this year or finding out more about volunteering next year should email
The Sooke Fall Fair is open Satuday, 9 Sep 2023, from 11:00 to 18:00, and Sunday, 10 Sep 2023, from 09:00 to 18:00.
Rick Stiebel.
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