The Chung
This month's web page describes the collection
of Dr. Wallace Chung of Vancouver. While not strictly railway oriented it will be
appreciated by Canadian Pacific Railway fans and collectors for its sheer size and
priceless value.
Dr. Chung has spent more than 60 years collecting one of the most exceptional and
extensive collections of its kind. The Chung Collection, housed in the Main Library
at the University of British Columbia, includes more than 25,000 rare and
one-of-a-kind items. Artifacts include original documents, books,
maps, posters, paintings, photographs, silver, glass, and ceramics.
Over the years, Dr. Chung meticulously assembled this outstanding body of material
piece by piece, carefully arranging it into 65 series and 37
While only a fraction of the collection can be shown at one time, the exhibit,
weaving together three broad interrelated themes, tells some of the most compelling
stories of Canada's past.
The first of three topics, Voyages of Discovery, contains the rare books of
Captain James Cook's voyages to the Pacific between 1776 and 1780 and artifacts of
Galiano and John Meares.
Topic two, Immigration and Settlement, opens with the Chinese immigration to
British Columbia during the Fraser Gold Rush. It is depicted through rare books,
documents, and artifacts, including interesting Chinese promotional material
printed by the Canadian Pacific Railway. European immigration is represented by
the numerous promotional brochures and posters encouraging settlement on Prairie
lands, owned by the CPR of course.
Topic three, Canadian Pacific Railway, contains the original diary of then
Public Works Minister, Hector Langevin, one of the Fathers of Confederation. He
describes a visit to Burrard Inlet where he is persuaded it should be the Pacific
terminus of the railway.
Fascinating photographs and accounts of the construction of the CPR are presented,
including an original blueprint proposing a different position for the Spiral
Tunnels near Field, BC. Vibrant posters promote travel and tourism via the CPR's
rail and ship services. Examples of rare and beautiful cruise ship memorabilia
provide a glimpse of the style of the times, including a complete table setting of
CPR china, most of which was retrieved from the ocean floor. Dr. Chung beautifully
restored a large scale model of a CPR Empress ocean liner which dominates the
exhibit after entry to the room.
The items in the collection span time, borders, and cultures. Together they tell
innumerable stories and provide an unparalleled record of Canadian history. The
Chung's have made an invaluable resource available to the people of Canada by
bestowing this collection on the University of British Columbia.
University of British Columbia
Main Library
1956 Main Mall
Vancouver BC V6T 1Z1
Admission is free.
Associated Links
UBC Chung Collection
Canadian Pacific Railway
University of British Columbia (Link fails 14 Aug 2022)
Chinese Canadian Heritage Fund
© Copyright 2002 William C.