Golden Station is no longer trackside but has been moved to
the town's museum site about a mile away.
The sand tower at Brandon may be a converted coaling tower
first installed on CPR in the 1950's.
Moosomin, Saskatchewan, freight shed.
Revelstoke ice house showing the side opposite the service
Revelstoke ice house chutes for loading
A second view of the trackside ice loading
One of several handcar sheds in Portage la
This pipe storage rack next to the Esquimalt sand tower may
have once been a steam engine flue rack.
Austin, Manitoba, portable station. Portable stations were
built to fit standard flatcars.
Field roundhouse and steel water tank.
A section house at Austin, Manitoba.
The two portable stations at Two Hills, Alberta, aren't so
portable any longer.
Red Part 2
February 2003 Cordova Bay Station published an article named "Colonial Red"
(Now available on the Cordova Bay Station CD) containing about a dozen Canadian
Pacific black and white photographs taken during the 1970's. Online storage space did
not permit publishing all of the available photos at that time. Here are the rest of
the shots belonging to this era.
This article is a photo essay on Colonial Red structures, signs, and equipment, or
some of what was left back then. All the attached photos were taken over thirty years
ago in various parts of Canada when it was still relatively easy to find Colonial Red
The photographs were taken with an old Eastman Kodak Company bellows camera labeled
with a patent date of 1910. It was manufactured in Rochester, New York, date unknown.
This camera used a film size called VP116 (VP stood for Verichrome Pan and is no
longer available.) producing postcard sized negatives. The camera speed was adjustable
from 1/25 to 1/100 of a second. The aperture adjustable from 4 to 128, and that's
probably not in F stops! A viewfinder attached to the front face of the bellows above
the lens makes closeup shots impossible due to being offset from the lens. The fixed
lens produces a soft image unlike today's 35mm cameras with their precise optics. The
prints from this camera were scanned with a Hewlett Packard flat-bed
scanner at 1,200 dots per inch.
I hope you enjoy these remaining black and white shots of Canadian Pacific's Colonial
Red period. It may bring back memories for some of you old folks out there.
History of the Canadian Pacific Railway
W. Kaye Lamb - 1977
MacMillan Publishing Co.
The Last Spike
Pierre Burton - 1971
McClelland and Stewart Ltd.
Canadian Pacific A Brief History
J. Lorne McDougall - 1968
McGill University Press
The CPR West
Hugh A. Dempsey - 1984
Douglas & McIntyre Ltd.
Associated Links
Canadian Pacific Railway
Royal Canadian Pacific
CPR Locomotive Roster
Mile 77
Brian Switzer's Photographs
Old Time Trains
2005 William C. Slim