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 The last Spanner published
With the final publication of Canadian Pacific's employee magazine, the
"Spanner", in 1971, the 26 items of the Collectors' Item series that
appeared on the inside rear cover was concluded. All 26 items are reproduced here.
An examination of the accompanying items will indicate that all of the principal
steam locomotive wheel arrangements in CPR operation over the years have been
included, and inclusion of a selection of diesel-electric locomotives
and gasoline self-propelled cars has been accomplished as well.
 Writer and rail historian Omer
Lavallee views Spanner's "last run".
Each instalment of Collectors' Items was especially prepared, and no conscious
effort was made to cover the whole motive power spectrum in a given number of parts.
I would like to thank my colleagues in CPR's mechanical department for their
assistance and advice since the series was initiated, and I am also grateful to many
readers for their interesting comments and suggestions - Omer Lavallee -
Collectors' Item
Collectors' Item 1 - Selkirk
Collectors' Item 2 - Royal Hudson
Collectors' Item 3 - Standard
Collectors' Item 4 - Atlantic
Collectors' Item 5 - Ten-Wheeler
Collectors' Item 6 - Mallet
Collectors' Item 7 - Jubilee
Collectors' Item 8 - Six-wheeled switcher
Collectors' Item 9 - Diesel-electric switcher
Collectors' Item 10 - Shay
Collectors' Item 11 - E8A
Collectors' Item 12 - Consolidation
Collectors' Item 13 - Santa Fe
Collectors' Item 14 - Mikado
Collectors' Item 15 - Baltic
Collectors' Item 16 - RS-2
Collectors' Item 17 - Northern
Collectors' Item 18 - Camelback
Collectors' Item 19 - Mogul
Collectors' Item 20 - C-424
Collectors' Item 21 - Pacific
Collectors' Item 22 - Mountain
Collectors' Item 23 - Gas-Mechanical Rail Cars
Collectors' Item 24 - Gasoline powered railcar
Collectors' Item 25 - Decapod
Collectors' Item 26 - Eight-wheeled switcher
Associated Links
Canadian Pacific Railway
Station 29
Heritage Collection
CPR Archives
Royal Canadian Pacific
