6 June 2008
CPR Empress Steam Train to Visit
 CPR 2816, Canadian Pacific's only working steam
While the Crowsnest Pass is not an official stop, railway
enthusiasts and curious spectators alike will have a chance to see a rare sight, an operating steam engine on the tracks once again in
the Crowsnest Pass.
Canadian Pacific's 2816 Empress Steam locomotive will be leading the CP Spirit of 150 tour train, making several stops throughout
communities of British Columbia.
The train's trip will be part of the BC150 celebration, celebrating British Columbia's 150th anniversary as a colony and later a
province in Canada.
The train's first stop will be in Sparwood on 12 Jul 2008, which will give Crowsnest Pass residents a chance to see the
train steam through our community to its first stop.
CP 2816's home is Canadian Pacific's Alyth Yard in Calgary, which means that the train will need to travel through the Crowsnest Pass
to get to its first stop.
Editor's Note: Not necessarily.
CP 2816 was constructed in 1930 in Montreal and is the only operating steam locomotive of its type in the world.
Editor's Note: Not so, there are other operable Hudson types.
The engine logged more than two million miles during its time on the job, and was retired from active service in 1960 as part of the
railway's dieselization program.
2816 was refurbished and re-entered active service in 2001 after a three-year-long rebuild.
The locomotive has travelled North America as a roving ambassador for CP Rail and is a key part of the railway's community relations