At sometime during the CP Rail Multimark period one page
public timetables on light cardstock were produced for the RDC (Rail Diesel Car) fleet also known as "Budd"
cars because they were manufactured by the Budd Company in the United States of America. CP named them
"Dayliners". Several sheduled routes were covered such as the Victoria to Courtenay run on the Esquimalt
& Nanaimo Railway (E&N) of Vancouver Island in British Columbia. The example shown here covers the RDC service
between Calgary and Edmonton. At one time trains used to cross the High Level Bridge in Edmonton and stop at the North
Side station but by the time of the Budd cars service terminated at the station in Edmonton South. This timetable is 4
1/8 x 8 3/16 inches ( 10.5 x 20.75 cm ) in size with the schedule printed on the reverse