Westshore Terminals located at Roberts Bank, 32 kilometres south of
Vancouver. |
8 November 2010
British Columbia Coal Exports Could Double with Port Infrastructure Improvements Bond Says

Vancouver British Columbia - British Columbia Transportation Minister Shirley Bond is telling Asian mining sector investors that this
province has the capacity to double its annual exports of steel making coal.
Infrastructure expansion at ports in Vancouver and Prince Rupert, good coal quality, and the provincial tax system all work in B.C.'s favor, according to a
transportation ministry news release on Bond's trade mission to Asia.
Bond and members of the Pacific Gateway alliance met five companies in Japan and Korea that invest in coal mines with a message that "we can actually see
a point when coal exports from B.C. could double and that would mean tremendous rewards for our provincial economy."
B.C. will ship about 35 million tonnes of metallurgical coal this year.
B.C., the federal government, and port stakeholders are investing over $750 million in infrastructure "that will improve rail efficiency and add capacity
for coal and other export bulk commodities" according to the release.
Scott Simpson
