Vol. 18 No. 4
April, 1988
Make Tomorrow Happen
Ogden Hails 75th By Steve Morris
Unveiling Ogden anniversay flag are: (back row from left) Bob Hogan, Bernie
Supinski, Gary Kubke, Ken Kinsella, Andre langlois, Dean Dossa, Dave Costantini. (front row from left) Tom Murphy, Mary Hicks, Polly
Mangat, and Wendy Morgan.
Calgary - It'll be party time at Ogden
Shops here next month as the main locomotive and car heavy repair facility celebrates its 75th anniversary.
Built in 1913, the 63-hectare plant will open its doors 29 May 1988 for a Family Day festival.
Some 1,000 employees, their families and guests, are expected to converge on the facility to view first hand the
important role Ogden Shops plays in keeping CP Rail running.
"This is a very special occasion and we intend to make it a festival that everyone will remember for years to
come", said Andre Langlois, works manager. "It's time for us to come together and celebrate. Our message
is: We are proud of what we do and where we work".
Included in the Family Day activities are rides and exhibits, ranging from employees' hobbies to locomotive and car
equipment displays. Locomotive No. 8000, one of the first diesel locomotives purchased by CP Rail, also will be on
"Planning committees have been working hard on the festival since last November", Mr. Langlois said.
"It's going to be a day everyone will remember".
This CP Rail News article is copyright
1988 by the Canadian Pacific Railway and is reprinted here with
their permission. All photographs, logos, and trademarks are the property of the Canadian Pacific Railway
