This is a repaint of the default GM EMD GP-38 locomotive.
I wanted a Santa Fe GP-38.
When I was a youth these trains use to run behind my school.
Hoover Middle School in Merced California.
Allways carrying all kinds of cargo through the Central Valley of California.
Sometimes large military parts for Castle A.F.B.
I plan on doing a few more paint schemes, along with possibly building a few models.
The housing on the left side of the train is dark blue, instead of gold.
This is because the mapping coordinates are taken from a weird spot.
If I were modeling and texturing this model from scratch, I certainly would not have picked that spot for the coordinates.
How to Use This Locomotive
This new locomotive is ready to use.
To install it do the following:
- Create a new folder under \Program Files\Microsoft Games\Train Simulator\TRAINS\TRAINSET with whatever name you want;
- Unzip the entire contents of this zip file into the new folder;
- Copy the Cabview and Sound folders from the default GP38 folder into the new folder.
That's it!
You can now add this new locomotive to your own consists, using the consist editor portion of the activity editor.
Marc Mackin.
(likely no image with original article)
(usually because it's been seen before)
provisions in Section 29 of the
Canadian Copyright Modernization Act.