
Every Farm and Home Seeker knows that the Terms of Payment on the Canadian Pacific Railways lands ARE THE EASIEST EVER OFFERED.

TWENTY YEARS TO PAY is the offer that for many a farmer of small means has opened the way to independence and wealth on a farm home of his own in Western Canada.

For several years it was thought impossible to improve these most liberal terms, yet, as this little folder shows, they have been improved in a way that makes it EASIER and BETTER for the farmer at the start, the time when he most appreciates every help to make good.

Study these terms, they are simple, they are right and fair, they are a revelation of our generous treatment of our purchasers, they are the best proof that our interest in our farmer only begins when he buys our lands, with these long terms we must stand by our purchasers until they make good, and these terms are bringing to Western Canada more and more of the experienced, energetic, "want to make good" farmers that we desire as residents.

Our terms on all our lands where the settler goes into occupation and improves his farm give twenty years to pay. We want the farmer to feel that he has ample time to pay for his farm and make the necessary improvements, buy stock, and establish a comfortable home.

Many farmers pay for their land long before the payments come due, often one crop will pay for the land on which it is grown, and the farmer who wants his farm clear can soon pay up all he owes and stop unnecessary interest. Get our letters from satisfied settlers and read what others have done, you can do the same and possibly better.

20 Years to Pay
for Canadian Pacific Railway Lands

We are offering our land for sale under two plans as follows:

Plan (1)

Land Without Improvements in
Alberta, Saskatchewan, and Manitoba

On these good lands the First Payment is Only One-Tenth of the Price of the Farm and it is made at the time of purchase.

At the end of the first year interest for one year at six percent (6%).

At the end of the second year interest for one year at six percent (6%).

At the end of the third year interest for one year at six percent (6%).

At the end of the fourth year one-sixteenth of the deferred price with six percent interest and one-sixteenth with six percent interest each year following, until the full payment of purchase price is paid. If you wish you can pay the balance of your contract at any time and save the interest.

   1st Payment.
   Date of Sale―April 1, 1921.
   160 Acres at $20.00 an acre―Total Purchase Price... $3,200.00

When you buy you pay one-tenth of the total purchase price of the farm, the balance of principal divided into sixteen parts payable one-sixteenth yearly after third year. The other payments are as follows:

April 1st.                  Interest.
2nd payment 1922―6% no principal payment
3rd payment 1923―6%       "
4th payment 1924―6%       "
5th payment 1925―6% and 1/16 principal payment
6th payment 1926―6%       "
7th payment 1927―6%       "
8th payment 1928―6%       "
9th payment 1929―6%       "
10th payment 1930―6%      "
11th payment 1931―6%      "
12th payment 1932―6%      "
13th payment 1933―6%      "
14th payment 1934―6%      "
15th payment 1935―6%      "
16th payment 1936―6%      "
17th payment 1937―6%      "
18th payment 1938―6%      "
19th payment 1939―6%      "
20th payment 1940―6%      "
Twenty payments in all.
Special Offer to Bona Fide Settlers

If an affidavit is made by the settler showing that satisfactory occupation and improvements of the land have been made as required by the Company at the end of the first and second years, the interest will be reduced from six to two percent during these two years only. Think what this means, you are using our land and only paying two percent for the privilege. Where else can you borrow on such a small rate of interest?

Plan (2)

Lands Purchased Without Settlement

It is the desire of the Canadian Pacific to have as much land put under cultivation as possible, and this is the reason why such favorable conditions are offered to the settler under plan 1. Lands lying adjacent to the main lines of the Grand Trunk Pacific and Canadian National Railways are, however, offered both with and without occupation and improvement conditions. Under plan 2 no restrictions as to the area of land in these districts sold to any one purchaser is made, and settlement and improvement on the land are not required by the Company. These lands are sold on terms of one-tenth cash, balance in nine equal installments at six percent per annum.

   1st Payment.
   Date of Sale―April 1, 1921.
   160 Acres at $20.00―Total Purchase Price... $3,200.00

When You Buy You Pay One-Tenth of the Purchase Price
April 1st.                  Interest.
2nd payment 1922―1/10 of purchase price and 6%
3rd        "       1923―1/10       "
4th        "       1924―1/10       "
5th        "       1925―1/10       "
6th        "       1926―1/10       "
7th        "       1927―1/10       "
8th        "       1928―1/10       "
9th        "       1929―1/10       "
10th      "       1930―1/10       "

If you have read the foregoing terms carefully, you have seen very plainly that their object is not only to give you all the time you could possibly need to pay for your farm, but especially to make the payments at the start just as easy as they could be, so that your capital is not tied up in payments on the land but can be put into stock, crops, etc.

These terms are one of the strongest reasons why you should "Get your Farm Home from the Canadian Pacific."

For further information concerning Canadian Pacific lands or any of the matters dealt with in this booklet write any of the following agents or district representatives:

L.F. MOWREY, District Representative, 1270 Broadway, New York.

J.N.K. MACALISTER, District Representative, Hackney Bldg., Fourth and Jackson Streets, St. Paul, Minn.

R.C. BOSWORTH, District Representative, 705 Sprague Avenue, Spokane, Wash.

L.P. THORNTON, District Representative, 208 Railway Exchange Bldg., Third and Stark Sts., Portland, Ore.

C.A. VANSCOY, District Representative, 299 Monadnock Bldg., San Francisco, Cal.


M.E. THORNTON, Superintendent of Colonization, Canadian Pacific Railway, Calgary, Canada.

Ask the Canadian Pacific About Canada