This shot taken from the Drake Street Crossing looking southwest towards the RIP Track shed. In the foreground there are two Stores boxcars either coming or going. Behind is the building that was being used by the Freight Claims Dept. However, the west end of this building was used by the Car Shops, and there was an above ground wheel lathe there they used to true passenger car wheels. I think Swanson got that piece of machinery in the end. The lathe was used in conjunction with the drop table that is under the shed behind the left boxcar, as I recall. Unfortunately, I didn't take a picture of it. Those boxcars remind me just how painfully slow it was getting material at times. These days everything is JIT (Just In Time) delivery, overnight, etc. Back then, we didn't use trucks much, and for the most part everything got delivered from the main shops by boxcar. Also, all the Bad Order material went back in the same cars. You'd put in a requisition for some part and three months later it might show up. Then I'd be scratching my head wondering what I ordered this gizmo for. Pretty sad when you think about it, being a transportation company, and we couldn't even get our own stuff moved around effectively on a timely basis - Dec 1980 Andy Cassidy.