Volume 14
Number 13
Oct. 3, 1984
Lookout Explains Project
By Stephen Morris
 From the Lookout: Larry, Bonnie, and daughter Amanda Wilce
of Toronto watch work underway on the railway's Rogers Pass Project. The lookout provides a good vantage point
while the displays describe the project.
Revelstoke, B.C. - CP Rail is on the lookout... the Heather Hill
lookout that is.
The railway has completed installing a log structure containing photographs and information on CP Rail's Rogers
Pass Project. The lookout and displays are for tourists and travellers along the Trans-Canada
Highway in the Beaver Valley of British Columbia.
"With work visible from the highway we felt it appropriate to have a roadside display at a central location
which would explain in detail the nature of the project", said John Fox, vice-president, special
projects. "Working with Provincial authorities, we carefully selected a site that gives the best view of the
project and yet does not pose any danger for traffic entering or leaving the lookout area".
From the lookout, visitors can see the surface portion of the $600 million project from its beginning at Rogers
Station up the Beaver Valley for approximately five miles (eight kilometres).
"This public-oriented project has been four years in the planning stages", explained Mr.
Fox. "There is always a concern on construction sites of people coming on-site because they
can't see the work underway.
"We feel this lookout gives everyone a spectacular view of work in progress without any danger".
The building is constructed of B.C. fir and measures 10 feet wide by 24 feet long (3 x 7
This CP Rail News article is copyright
1984 by Canadian Pacific Railway and is reprinted here with their permission. All photographs, logos, and
trademarks are the property of the Canadian Pacific Railway Company.