Volume 14
Number 13
Oct. 3, 1984
$10 Million Car Order to National Steel
 Side Dump Hopper: Similar to
1984 order placed at National Steel Car.
Montreal - CP Rail has placed orders worth about $10 million with
National Steel Car Limited of Hamilton, Ontario, to build 50 track maintenance cars, and to equip 60
tri-level and 25 bi-level auto-carrying flatcars with
fully-enclosed racks.
The 50 track maintenance cars, ordered for approximately $5 million, are specially-designed dump
cars that can carry a 70-ton (63-metric ton) load of ballast and dump the load sideways
by means of hydraulic air pumps.
Those 50 cars will join the railway's fleet of more than 5,000 units of various types of equipment used for
track maintenance and repair.
The $5 million order to enclose the 85 auto-carrying flatcars follows a $7 million order, placed
earlier this year with National Steel, to fully enclose 100 tri-levels used to ship vehicles for
General Motors of Canada.
The additional order to enclose the 60 tri-levels and 25 bi-levels is also for General
Motors to ship vehicles from its plants in Oshawa and Windsor, Ontario, and Ste. Therese, Quebec.
The railway has a fleet of 1,200 tri-level and bi-level flatcars to transport passenger
cars, vans, and light trucks for North American manufacturers.
The tri-levels are to be delivered by October, the bi-levels by November this year,
and the ballast cars by March 1985.
This CP Rail News article is copyright
1984 by Canadian Pacific Railway and is reprinted here with their permission. All photographs, logos, and
trademarks are the property of the Canadian Pacific Railway Company.