Volume 14
Number 15
Nov. 14, 1984
Sub-Station Contract is

Deeper and Deeper: Empoyees
of the Manning-Kumagai joint venture grind and scoop their way into the western section of the Mount
Macdonald tunnel.
B.C. - A contract has been awarded to Cana Industrial Contractors Ltd., of Richmond, B.C., for the
construction of a hydro-electric sub-station complex here to provide power for the
Rogers Pass project.
"The sub-station is designed to take a 250 kilovolt line originating from B.C. Hydro's
Revelstoke Dam and convert it to a three phase 69 Kv line", said Michael Hobbs, project supervisor.
"This line is required to supply hydro-electric power for use during the construction and
operations phases of the Rogers Pass project.
The contract also includes the installation of underground cable for approximately 1.6 kilometers (1 mile) from
the sub-station to the nearby city limits.
This CP Rail News article is copyright
1984 by Canadian Pacific Railway and is reprinted here with their permission. All photographs, logos, and
trademarks are the property of the Canadian Pacific Railway Company.