Vol. 18 No. 4
April, 1988
Make Tomorrow Happen
Railway Handles Thailand
Dodges By Jane Mudry
 Ready for Rail Move: On
hand for loading of Dodge Colts from Thailand onto auto carriers (from left) are: Bill Walker, operations
manager, Annacis Auto Terminals, Evan Hoosan, service rep, CP Rail, and Neil Zinger, assistant manager, car service
and damage prevention, CP Rail.
Vancouver - The first 400 of an anticipated 8,000 Dodge Colts
to be built this year in Thailand for the Canadian market, arrived here recently for transport by CP Rail.
Ed Ryan, marketing representative, automotive, said the cars, built by Sittipol Co. Ltd., a joint venture of
Mitsubishi Motor Company and Chrysler Canada, are similar to those built by Mitsubishi in Japan.
"These are the first vehicles built in Thailand for export to North America. They will be sold in Canada as
Dodge or Plymouth Colts or as the Eagle Vista", he said.
The overseas shipment was unloaded at Annacis Terminal, served by B.C. Hydro Railway (Now Southern Railway of B.C.).
Traffic is interchanged to CP Rail at New Westminster.
During 1987, CP Rail handled more than 65,000 imported vehicles from Annacis Terminal. These included Mazda, Honda,
Nissan, Subaru, Chrysler, Ford, and General Motors vehicles. CP Rail transported vehicles to Winnipeg, Toronto
(Agincourt), Oshawa, Montreal (St. Luc), and Ste. Therese, Quebec.
Most of the vehicles are transported in enclosed tri-level transporters which hold 15 to 21 vehicles,
depending on their size.
More than 50 percent of CP Rail's multi-level fleet is fully enclosed to minimize damage resulting from
rocks and vandalism. It is anticipated that the remainder of the fleet will be modified with side screening to
minimize rock damage.
This CP Rail News article is copyright
1988 by the Canadian Pacific Railway and is reprinted here with
their permission. All photographs, logos, and trademarks are the property of the Canadian Pacific Railway