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25 July 2005

New York DOT Accepting Comments on Environmental Study for CPR Communications System Upgrade

The New York State Department of Transportation (NYSDOT) recently completed an environmental assessment for a Canadian Pacific Railway project designed to upgrade signal and communications systems in Saratoga, Washington, Essex and Clinton counties.
The project will improve travel times, efficiency and safety along 182 track miles between Mechanicville and Rouses Point. CPR plans to install electronic track circuits and automatic block signals.
During a 30-day comment period, the public can weigh in on two options to build or modify towers that support CPR's voice and data communications system. Under the first option, CPR would modify seven existing 165-foot towers and construct two additional towers. Under the second option, the railroad would maintain two 165-foot towers outside Adirondack Park, reduce two 165-foot towers in Essex and Chesterfield to 95 feet, build two 95-foot towers in Dresden and Crown Point and construct three 75-foot towers in Putnam, Ticonderoga and Westport.

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