12 November 2008
History Grant to Bring Archival Collection to Kentville
Kentville Nova Scotia - With funding support provided
through a Hudson's Bay Company (HBC) Local History Grant Program, the Kings Historical Society and the Kings County Museum are one
step closer to bringing an important archival collection to the public.
Museum curator Bria Stokesbury said she applied to the program on behalf of the historical society to procure funding with the overall
goal of securing an important local archival collection created by the late Leon Barron, who was a railway and shipbuilding historian.
His widow, Mary Barron, donated the collection to the museum following Leon's death in 2006. The extensive collection contains binders
of photographs, research, and newspaper clippings on the Dominion Atlantic Railway.
Stokesbury said in order to make the collection accessible to the public, it needs to be properly sorted, arranged, described,
catalogued, and conserved.
The grant from the HBC program will supplement other funds being sought to hire an archivist to carry out this work with the goal of
creating a finding index of the material so it will be easily accessible to researchers.
This was the first time the historical society applied for the grant.
Stokesbury said HBC is a long-standing, traditional Canadian company with strong links to the history of our nation and
it's wonderful to see them supporting heritage in smaller communities. "The Kings Historical Society is most grateful to the HBC
Foundation for supporting the project and helping in our aim of bringing this important collection to the attention of the Canadian
public", Stokesbury said.