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25 August 2010

Bring the Rail Before Highway 407

MPP Jeff Leal talks to a group of local political and business leaders
during a meeting about bringing passenger rail service to Peterborough.

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Peterborough Ontario - Peterborough and other municipalities could take charge of passenger rail service to Toronto.
MP Dean Del Mastro presented the idea at a rail meeting organized by MPP Jeff Leal on Wednesday.
Creating a non-profit rail authority governed by a board of municipal and community business leaders, registering as a charity, and getting the $300 million pledged by the federal and provincial governments, MP Del Mastro says the model has worked in other regions, such as the Northern New England Passenger Rail Authority.
"I'm not here to fight, I'm here to get a railway built," he said, referencing controversy surrounding the project's cost estimates as reported by Metrolinx, numbers MP Del Mastro says have been inflated.
Despite his claim of steering away from the controversy, he managed a few jabs about the project costs, which were defended by John Howe, vice-president of investment strategy with Metrolinx, who cited large contingencies are needed until a more detailed study, figured to cost $2 to $4 million, is ordered.
Mayor Paul Ayotte and Peterborough County Warden J. Murray Jones both said they want the railway built, but need time to consider MP Del Mastro's idea.
"What are we on the hook for?" asked Mayor Ayotte. "What are the implications for this community?"
He also said he'd rather see Peterborough get rail service than have Highway 407 extended.
Brian Crow, president of the Ontario Motor Coach Association, joked he felt like a skunk at a garden party, but threw forward the idea of increased bus service instead of additional rail service.
Buses, he highlighted, take people wherever they want to go (not just union station), can have more frequent service since a bus holds fewer passengers than a train, and do it all without taxpayer money.
"We would love to be a charity," he said.
He says the viability of bus service in the province is at stake.
MP Del Mastro countered him by pointing out buses get to use public roads.
Andy Mitchell, president and CEO of the Greater Peterborough Area Economic Development, said there's strength in diversity.
MPP Leal says the meeting went well and now it's time to pursue every opportunity toward the rail service.
MP Del Mastro also felt the meeting was productive, noting his idea isn't a dream:  it's something that's worked in other regions.

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