What is this pile of boulders doing alongside the CP Rail tracks in Valleyview?
27 September 2011
What's the Story Behind Those Rocks?
Kamloops British Columbia - YOU ASKED: A few months ago a long pile of boulders was placed beside the railway tracks at
the Valleyview boat launch. They were placed neatly in a row and have since been left there untouched. I was wondering what purpose these rocks have? I know
that the riverbank is eroding daily from the River Road to Highland Road intersections. Are these rocks to be used with stabilizing the riverbank? Are there
any steps being taken to rectify the erosion problem along this stretch? C. Percy
OUR ANSWER: Let's tackle the boulders first. Those large rocks are collectively known as riprap.
They were placed alongside the tracks in the spring by CP Rail to protect the tracks from the threat of high water from the spring melt, said CP Rail's Mike
Riprap is the most commonly used bank protection material in B.C.
In the case of the rail tracks, the big rocks would absorb and deflect incoming waves during high water.
"In the end, the protection was not required," said LoVecchio.
"When winter freeze-up occurs, CP plans to move the riprap up to the river bank, fulfilling the same role."
As for the question of erosion, we've asked the Department of Fisheries and Oceans to either confirm or dispute that. We're still waiting for an answer and
will post an update as soon as we get one.
By the way, the flood protection is done at CP Rail's cost. There is no public money involved.