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City Coun. Stephen Orser snapped this picture with his smartphone while stuck in traffic at the Adelaide Street north train crossing - 27 October 2013 Stephen Orser.
27 October 2013
Relief Could be Coming to London's Adelaide Street Rail Crossing

London Ontario - Could the train really be leaving the station this time?
Council's civic works committee will be asked Monday night to take the first steps toward building a $25 million overpass at the rail crossing on Adelaide Street north of Central Avenue.
If the committee confirms that the crossing, which has left north-south drivers in the slow lane for years, is the city's highest priority, the next step would be reviewing the results of an environmental assessment.
It's music to the ears of Coun. Stephen Orser, who represents that ward and has for years been calling for the overpass to ease traffic congestion, not to mention frustration.
As many as 43 freight trains pass through the crossing daily.
And, in most cases, the trains are long.
Orser, who sits on the civic works committee, sent Metro a photo of his car, and many others, blocked by a train at the crossing Sunday afternoon.
At the time he sent the photo, the logjam had reached 15 minutes.
What's worse, the train was in the midst of backing up when Orser snapped the picture.
"An overpass has been needed for 30 years," he said.
"It goes without saying. It's congesting a major artery for the entire city, and the number of times a train goes through there is just horrifying."
A report to the civic works committee says a study done in July found trains at the Adelaide crossing lead to road delays of up to two hours daily.
It's the type of statistic Orser has cited throughout his campaign for the overpass.
Though there's still a long way go on the project, Orser's pleased it's moving again, and he wants to involve all the various stakeholders sooner, rather than later.
"It's a major step forward so we can start targeting funding at the federal and provincial levels," he said.
"Residents should be excited because the issue is not sitting there stagnant."
"There's an absolute pubic demand to get this done. Call the mayor's office and say you want the overpass put in."
The city's newest rail overpass is at Hale and Trafalgar streets.
It was completed in 2011.
By the Numbers
- Upwards of 45 trains use the Adelaide Street crossing near Central Avenue daily.
- 32,000 vehicles travel through that crossing every day.
- The average length of a Canadian Pacific Railway freight train is about more than 1.5 kilometres or about 100 cars.
Scott Taylor.