Wetaskiwin Alberta - The Alberta Central Railway Museum offers visitors a step-back-in-time experience.
A visit to the 1907 Wetaskiwin Canadian Pacific Railway station replica reveals a typical country station, complete with a waiting room, baggage room, and
telegraph office.
This is your chance to enjoy lunch in a 1920 cafe car and take a train ride.
You can see how a semaphore was used to control train movements and view the collection of Canadian Pacific rolling stock, maintenance-of-way tools, and track
motor cars.
The museum's 1959 RS-23 locomotive ex-CP 8015 was used for passenger service and is Canada's only preserved Montreal Locomotive Works Alco design lightweight
Alberta's second-oldest standing grain elevator, built in 1906 by the Alberta Grain Company, was added to the museum in 2002.
It provides a unique opportunity to see how railways and elevators were used together.
Visit the website for event information, including the annual Children's Day Teddy Bear Picnic (July), Canada Day celebrations, and the Ice Cream Festival
Location: About 14 kilometres southeast of Wetaskiwin.
Follow signs on Highway 2A, Highway 13, and at each turn, look for the grain elevator.
Info: Open from the Victoria Day weekend to the Labour Day weekend, Wednesday to Sunday and holiday Mondays, 10:00 to 16:00.
Admission is charged.
Trains usually run at 13:30 and 15:00.
Phone 780-352-2257 for the train schedule or visit www.abCentralRailway.com.
Anonymous Author.