Pasqua Saskatchewan - Canadian Pacific (CP) today presented G3 Pasqua with the 2018-2019 crop-year Elevator of the Year
CP presents this award annually to the grain elevator that achieves high volumes from a single loading point while consistently demonstrating efficient rail
car loading and a strong commitment to safety.
G3 Pasqua, located east of Moose Jaw, is a valued stakeholder and an integral network component to CP.
CP launched its first 8,500 foot High Efficiency Product (HEP) train, comprised of new, highly efficient hoppers cars, at the Pasqua facility in December
CP presented the inaugural Elevator of the Year award in April 2019 to Southwest Terminal near Gull Lake, Saskatchewan, for the 2018 calendar
CP has since modified the award presentation to align with the crop year, which runs from 1 August to 31 July.
Grain elevators interested in vying for this award should contact their CP account manager for information on the eligibility criteria.
Author unknown.