A steam locomotive whistles for a crossing - Date? Photographer? *1.
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29 October 2019
A Sarcastic Thank You to Railways

Kamloops British Columbia - I would like to send out a great big thank you to all of the train engineers who courteously toot their horns as they pass through the small towns across Canada who have not been afforded a controlled crossing.
It's criminal that a multi-billion-dollar corporation is allowed to subject taxpayers to high decibel blasts, night and day.
No other sector of our society is permitted to do that, except emergency response vehicles and trains, when there is something on the track in the train's path.
Corporations should be accountable.
Until then, thank you again, engineers.
Roxanne Hall.

 Image   Engineers don't blow the whistle or honk the horn because they enjoy it. Given a choice, they would probably prefer to not sound it at all, but federal regulations stipulate they must sound the whistle at each grade crossing with two long notes, a short note, and a prolonged long note. (There are certain grade crossings that are exempt but those have to meet specific requirements.)

*1. Appropriate news article image inserted.
*2. Original news article image replaced.
News quoted by OKthePK website under the
provisions in Section 29 of the Canadian
Copyright Modernization Act.
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