Summerland British Columbia - The municipality of Summerland will enter a 30 year lease agreement with the Kettle Valley Railway Society,
at the rate of $1 a year.
The lease agreement is the same as the province's lease with the steam railway for adjacent crown land.
In addition, the municipality has granted a permissive tax exemption to the steam railway.
The tax exemption is equal to $41,683.
The steam railway society was formed in late 1989 to preserve a portion of the historic railway track between Trout Creek and Faulder.
The province acquired the railway right-of-way in 1995 and the first steam train ran on 17 Sep 1995 of that year.
Today, the train is one of Summerland's best-known tourist attractions, operating rides throughout the summer season, as well as special trains at Easter,
Mother's Day, Halloween, and during the December holiday season.
John Arendt.