Washington District of Columbia USA - A broad range of representatives of railroads, unions,
shippers, environmental organizations, and opponents are scheduled to testify during the Surface Transportation Board's
three day hearing on the proposed Canadian Pacific-Kansas City Southern (CPKC) merger, set for next Wednesday through
Friday, 28-30 Sep 2022.
The STB released the full list of scheduled speakers today (22 Sep 2022) along with other details on the hearing,
including attendance procedures.
The hearing will also be carried on the board's YouTube page.
It is scheduled to begin at 09:30 EDT on 28 Sep 2022, 09:00 on 29 Sep 2022, and 09:20 on 30 Sep 2022, and end at 18:00
each day.
The group representing CP and KCS, including CEOs Keith Creel and Pat Ottensmeyer, will have two opportunities to
testify, 90 minutes early on the first day, and 90 minutes to close the third day.
All other Class I railroads also have groups of officials scheduled to testify for either 60 or 90
The only other groups allotted 30 minutes or more to testify are the Coalition to Stop CPKC, a group of eight
Chicago-area suburbs along with DuPage County, Illinois, which will receive 30 minutes on 28 Sep 2022, and Chicago
commuter operator Metra, which will receive 45 minutes.
Metra also opposes the merger, citing potential impact on its operations.
Author unknown.
(likely no image with original article)
(usually because it's been seen before)
provisions in Section 29 of the Canadian
Copyright Modernization Act.