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Maintenance-of-Way Union Ratifies Agreement With CPKC's Delaware & Hudson
26 October 2023

Novi Michigan USA - The Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employes Division recently ratified a new contract with the Delaware & Hudson Railway unit of CPKC, the union announced this week.
The contract, retroactive to 2022, runs through 2024.
It includes annual wage increases of 7 percent, 4 percent, and 4.5 percent, yearly bonuses of $1,000, no reduction in medical benefits or change to cost sharing, and an additional paid day off per year.
While the railroad was not a party to the National Carriers Conference Committee, which negotiated the most recent national contract determined through the recommendations of a Presidential Emergency Board, those recommendations did provide the framework for the contract agreement the union said.
"Members on the Delaware & Hudson will see substantial raises and other away-from-home improvements as a result of this contract. Throughout the process we received great help and participation from the members on the property to negotiate and finalize this deal. I'm proud of the work that was put in to achieve these gains and thank everyone for their diligence and effort," American Rail System Federation General Chairman Johnny Long, who represents the MOW members on the D&H, said in a press release.
Author unknown.

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