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A Class 88 locomotive - Date? Photographer? *2.
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First DRS Class 88 Electro-Diesel Ready for Testing
15 April 2016

The first of 10 Stadler Rail Valencia (formerly Vossloh Rail Vehicles) class 88 EuroDual electro-diesel locomotives for British open-access operator Direct Rail Services (DRS) was delivered by rail to the VUZ Velim test centre in the Czech Republic on 15 Apr 2016 for dynamic testing.
DRS ordered the locomotives in 2013 through Beacon Rail Leasing, with assembly being carried out at Stadler Rail Valencia's plant in Albuixech, Spain.
The four-axle class 88 has a maximum output of 4 MW under 25kV 50Hz AC electric traction and 700 kW under diesel power, delivering tractive effort of 317 kN in both modes.
The 160 kph units are equipped with regenerative braking and will have a 500 kW electric train heating rating.
The class 88s share many major components with the class 68 UKLight diesel locomotive, including bodyshells, cabs, braking systems, bogies, traction equipment, and control software.
DRS has ordered 32 class 68s in three batches, 25 of which have been delivered so far.
Keith Barrow.

  Article abridged - data not related to British locomotives deleted.

*1. Appropriate news article image inserted.
(because there was no image with original article)
*2. Original news article image replaced.
(usually because it's been seen before)
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